1 superb | Definition of superb


su·​perb | \ su̇-ˈpÉ™rb How to pronounce superb (audio) \

Definition of superb

: marked to the highest degree by grandeur, excellence, brilliance, or competence

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Other Words from superb

superbly adverb
superbness noun

Choose the Right Synonym for superb

splendid, resplendent, gorgeous, glorious, sublime, superb mean extraordinarily or transcendently impressive. splendid implies outshining the usual or customary. the wedding was a splendid occasion resplendent suggests a glowing or blazing splendor. resplendent in her jewelry gorgeous implies a rich splendor especially in display of color. a gorgeous red dress glorious suggests radiance that heightens beauty or distinction. a glorious sunset sublime implies an exaltation or elevation almost beyond human comprehension. a vision of sublime beauty superb suggests an excellence reaching the highest conceivable degree. her singing was superb