Browse the English Dictionary
- 'ava 'avas (a) method in/to one's madness (a) penny for your thoughts (a) quarter after (a) quarter of (a) quarter past (a) quarter to (all) by one's lonesome (all) choked up (all) for the best (all) in good time (all) in one whack (all) round the year (all) the best (all) the livelong day (all) the more so (all) the rage (and) not before time (too) (as) American as apple pie (as) big as life (as) blind as a bat (as) bold as brass (as) clear as a bell (as) cute as a button (as) daft as a brush (as) dead as a dodo (as) dead as a doornail (as) drunk as a lord (as) drunk as a skunk (as) dry as a bone (as) dull as dishwater (as) dull as ditchwater
- (as) easy as ABC (as) easy as falling off a log (as) easy as pie (as) good as new (as) guilty as sin (as) guilty/miserable/ugly as sin (as) happy as a clam (as) hard/tough as nails (as) keen as mustard (as) large as life (as) near as someone can tell/figure (as) plain as day (as) plain as the nose on your face (as) pleased as punch (as) pretty as a picture (as) pure as the driven snow (as) quick as a wink (as) right as rain (as) sick as a dog (as) smooth as silk (as) sober as a judge (as) solid as a rock (as) sound as a bell (as) stubborn as a mule (as) sure as I'm standing here (as) tough as old boots (as) ugly as sin (as) warm as toast (at) any minute (now) (at) any moment (now) -abilia -acea -aceae
- -acean -acene -aceous -acousia -actinal -acusia -acy -ade -adelphous -aemia -aetus -age -agogue -aholic -al -ales -algia -algies -algy -alia -ance -ancies -ancy -ander -andra -andries -androus -andry -ane -ange -anges -angia -angium