1 awful | Definition of awful


aw·​ful | \ ˈȯ-fÉ™l How to pronounce awful (audio) \

Definition of awful

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1 : extremely disagreeable or objectionable awful food awful behavior an awful experience
2 informal : exceedingly great used as an intensive an awful lot of money
3 : inspiring awe … the presence of Nature in all her awful loveliness.— George Eliot
4 : filled with awe: such as
a : deeply respectful or reverential
b obsolete : afraid, terrified



Definition of awful (Entry 2 of 2)

chiefly US, informal
: very, extremely awful tired an awful long time

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awfully \ ˈȯ-​fÉ™-​lÄ“ How to pronounce awfully (audio) , especially as an adverb of adjective senses 3 and 4  -​flÄ“ \ adverb
an awfully [=extremely] long time behaving awfully
awfulness \ -​fÉ™l-​nÉ™s How to pronounce awfulness (audio) \ noun