1 sham | Definition of sham


\ ˈsham How to pronounce sham (audio) \

Definition of sham

 (Entry 1 of 3)

1 : a trick that deludes : hoax feared that the deal was a sham
2 : cheap falseness : hypocrisy saw through the hollowness, the sham, the silliness of the empty pageant— Oscar Wilde
3 : an ornamental covering for a pillow
4 : an imitation or counterfeit purporting to be genuine
5 : a person who shams



Definition of sham (Entry 2 of 3)

1 : not genuine : false, feigned
2 : having such poor quality as to seem false


shammed; shamming

Definition of sham (Entry 3 of 3)

transitive verb

: to go through the external motions necessary to counterfeit

intransitive verb

: to act intentionally so as to give a false impression : feign

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shammer \ ˈsha-​mÉ™r How to pronounce shammer (audio) \ noun

Choose the Right Synonym for sham


imposture, fraud, sham, fake, humbug, counterfeit mean a thing made to seem other than it is. imposture applies to any situation in which a spurious object or performance is passed off as genuine. their claim of environmental concern is an imposture fraud usually implies a deliberate perversion of the truth. the diary was exposed as a fraud sham applies to fraudulent imitation of a real thing or action. condemned the election as a sham fake implies an imitation of or substitution for the genuine but does not necessarily imply dishonesty. these jewels are fakes; the real ones are in the vault humbug suggests elaborate pretense usually so flagrant as to be transparent. creating publicity by foisting humbugs on a gullible public counterfeit applies especially to the close imitation of something valuable. 20-dollar bills that were counterfeits


assume, affect, pretend, simulate, feign, counterfeit, sham mean to put on a false or deceptive appearance. assume often implies a justifiable motive rather than an intent to deceive. assumed an air of cheerfulness around the patients affect implies making a false show of possessing, using, or feeling. affected an interest in art pretend implies an overt and sustained false appearance. pretended that nothing had happened simulate suggests a close imitation of the appearance of something. cosmetics that simulate a suntan feign implies more artful invention than pretend, less specific mimicry than simulate. feigned sickness counterfeit implies achieving the highest degree of verisimilitude of any of these words. an actor counterfeiting drunkenness sham implies an obvious falseness that fools only the gullible. shammed a most unconvincing limp

Examples of sham in a Sentence


He claims that the trial was a sham. Their marriage was a sham. Many people believed he could help them, but I knew he was a sham. She exposed their sham and hypocrisy.


a sofa upholstered in sham leather street vendors selling sham designer handbags to gullible tourists


She wasn't really hurt; she was only shamming. He was shamming illness to avoid work.
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Recent Examples on the Web: Noun

Norm Miller, University of San Diego YES: For top football and basketball athletes bringing in millions, going to school is often a sham during the sports season. San Diego Union-Tribune, "Econometer: Should the NCAA change rules so athletes can profit?," 6 Sep. 2019 Opposition lawmakers believe his claim to be negotiating with the EU to be a sham. Rob Picheta, Ivana Kottasová And Nina Dos Santos, CNN, "Boris Johnson fails in high stakes attempt to call snap general election," 4 Sep. 2019 The national Democratic Party has all but called last year’s election of Alabama party officers a sham. al, "Gov. Ivey admitted wearing blackface. The Alabama Democratic Party said nothing," 4 Sep. 2019 Fortunately, most Jews easily see through this sham. Letters To The Editor, The Mercury News, "Letter: Trump’s attempt to divide Jewish voters is insulting," 23 Aug. 2019 But the vote was a sham: out of a population of some 800,000, the Indonesian army selected just 1,026 people to take part. The Economist, "Violent protests rack the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua," 24 Aug. 2019 Next, add on shams, which are pillows that are more decorative than functional and usually match the comforter. Lexie Sachs, Good Housekeeping, "How to Make a Bed Like a Professional, According to Bedding Experts," 28 June 2019 Democrats have turned this important process into a political sham.