1 loud | Definition of loud


\ ˈlau̇d How to pronounce loud (audio) \

Definition of loud

1a : marked by intensity or volume of sound loud music
b : producing a loud sound the marten was loud beside them— David Walker
2 : clamorous, noisy a loud crowd of people
3 : obtrusive or offensive in appearance or smell : obnoxious the loudest pinstripe suit in history— John O'Reilly

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Other Words from loud

loud adverb
loudly adverb

Choose the Right Synonym for loud

loud, stentorian, earsplitting, raucous, strident mean marked by intensity or volume of sound. loud applies to any volume above normal and may suggest undue vehemence or obtrusiveness. loud shouts of protest stentorian implies great power and range. an actor with a stentorian voice earsplitting implies loudness that is physically discomforting. the earsplitting sound of a siren raucous implies a loud harsh grating tone, especially of voice, and may suggest rowdiness. the raucous shouts of drunken revelers strident implies a rasping discordant but insistent quality, especially of voice. the strident voices of hecklers

Examples of loud in a Sentence

She complained in a loud voice. “Is the television loud enough?” “It's too loud!” He's known for being loud and aggressive.
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Recent Examples on the Web

Police said the loud noises led many shoppers to believe a shooter was unloading a weapon. Anna Bauman, SFChronicle.com, "In wake of mass shootings, noises in malls spark grave fear: ‘In the moment, it felt real.’," 26 Aug. 2019 Difficulties include problems with loud noises, flashing lights, and strong resistance to new and unfamiliar environments. Steve West, sun-sentinel.com, "Creating a new pinball wizard | Opinion," 23 Aug. 2019 There was loud noise, and Alphonso and Deborah Williams ran out of their home near the Potomac Avenue Metro Station in Southeast Washington last week to see what had happened. Hannah Natanson, Washington Post, "Neighbors thought they witnessed a tragedy. Then a sign appeared: ‘You Saved My Life!’," 22 Aug. 2019 The theatre gives us the opportunity to expose the dogs to different stimuli such as lights, loud noises and movement of varying degrees. Georgia Slater, PEOPLE.com, "People Can't Stop Looking at this Photo of Service Dogs Sitting Through a Performance of Billy Elliot," 16 Aug. 2019 In New York, panic ensued after a loud noise sparked panic about a possible shooting in Times Square, which has long been a place on high alert. Joey Garrison, USA TODAY, "A nation on edge: Spike in mass shooting false alarms has a 'hidden cost' for police, community," 13 Aug. 2019 For fans who might get too overwhelmed by the loud noises and bright lights on the field, the sensory room offers a quiet spot to regroup. Lauren Del Valle, CNN, "Philadelphia Eagles open sensory room for fans with autism," 9 Aug. 2019 The New York Police Department says the loud noise of a motorcycle backfiring caused a panic and sent people scrambling in Times Square. Fox News, "Motorcycle backfiring causes panic in Times Square, cops say," 8 Aug. 2019 At a fair in Yuba City, Calif., on Sunday, people were pushing and shoving each other, trying to flee after hearing a loud noise. Michael Wilson, New York Times, "There Was No Gunfire in Times Square. But the Panic Was Still Real.," 7 Aug. 2019

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'loud.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

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First Known Use of loud

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

History and Etymology for loud

Middle English, from Old English hlūd; akin to Old High German hlūt loud, Latin inclutus famous, Greek klytos, Sanskrit śṛṇoti he hears

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More Definitions for loud



English Language Learners Definition of loud

: making or causing a lot of noise : strong and noticeable in sound
of a person : noisy in a way that bothers other people
: expressing ideas or opinions in a very open and forceful way


\ ˈlau̇d How to pronounce loud (audio) \
louder; loudest

Kids Definition of loud

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1 : not low, soft, or quiet in sound : noisy loud music
2 : not quiet or calm in expression a loud complaint
3 : too bright or showy to be pleasing loud clothes

Other Words from loud

loudly adverb
loudness noun



Kids Definition of loud (Entry 2 of 2)