1 gibe | Definition of gibe


\ ˈjīb How to pronounce gibe (audio) \
variants: or
gibed or jibed; gibing or jibing

Definition of gibe

intransitive verb

: to utter taunting words

transitive verb

: to deride or tease with taunting words gibed her about her weight

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Other Words from gibe

gibe or jibe noun
giber or jiber noun

Choose the Right Synonym for gibe

scoff, jeer, gibe, fleer, sneer, flout mean to show one's contempt in derision or mockery. scoff stresses insolence, disrespect, or incredulity as motivating the derision. scoffed at their concerns jeer suggests a coarser more undiscriminating derision. the crowd jeered at the prisoners gibe implies taunting either good-naturedly or in sarcastic derision. hooted and gibed at the umpire fleer suggests grinning or grimacing derisively. the saucy jackanapes fleered at my credulity sneer stresses insulting by contemptuous facial expression, phrasing, or tone of voice. sneered at anything romantic flout stresses contempt shown by refusal to heed. flouted the conventions of polite society

Did You Know?

Confused about "jibe" and "gibe"? The distinction actually isn't as clear-cut as some commentators would like it to be. "Jibe" is used both for the verb meaning "to be in accord," agree" ("jibe with") and for the nautical verb and noun ("jibe the mainsail," "a risky jibe in heavy seas"). "Gibe" is used for the verb "to deride or tease" and the noun "a taunting remark." But "jibe" is a recognized variant of "gibe," so it also has taunting or teasing uses. "Gibe" has been used occasionally as a variant of "jibe," but this use is very rare, and many people consider it to be an error.

Examples of gibe in a Sentence

teammates gibing each other when one fouls up an important play

First Known Use of gibe

1567, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense

History and Etymology for gibe

perhaps from Middle French giber to shake, handle roughly

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More Definitions for gibe


variants: or jibe \ ˈjīb \
gibed or jibed; gibing or jibing

Kids Definition of gibe

 (Entry 1 of 2)

: to speak or tease with words that are insulting or scornful : jeer They gibed the boy about his tattered clothes.


variants: or jibe

Kids Definition of gibe (Entry 2 of 2)

: an insulting or scornful remark : jeer He tried to ignore their hurtful gibes.

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