1 -theria | Definition of -theria


plural noun
The·​ria | \ ˈthirÄ“É™, ˈthÄ“r-\

Definition of Theria

 (Entry 1 of 2)

in some classifications
: a subclass of Mammalia comprising the higher mammals and including the Pantotheria, Metatheria, and Eutheria and excluding the Prototheria and Allotheria
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Definition of -theria (Entry 2 of 2)

: beasts : animals in names of higher taxa of mammalian forms Prototheria

Other Words from Theria

Plural noun

therian \ -​É™n \ noun or adjective

History and Etymology for Theria

Plural noun

New Latin, from Greek thēria, plural of thērion wild animal

Noun combining form

New Latin, from Greek thēria, plural of thērion

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