1 -ist | Definition of -ist

Definition of -ist

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1a : one that performs a (specified) action cyclist : one that makes or produces a (specified) thing novelist
b : one that plays a (specified) musical instrument harpist
c : one that operates a (specified) mechanical instrument or contrivance automobilist
2 : one that specializes in a (specified) art or science or skill geologist ventriloquist
3 : one that adheres to or advocates a (specified) doctrine or system or code of behavior socialist royalist hedonist or that of a (specified) individual Calvinist Darwinist

Definition of -ist (Entry 2 of 2)

: of, relating to, or characteristic of elitist

History and Etymology for -ist

Noun suffix

French -iste, from Latin -ista, -istes, from Greek -istēs, from verbs in -izein -ize

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More Definitions for -ist

English Language Learners Definition of -ist

 (Entry 1 of 2)

: a person who does a specified action or activity
: a person who makes or produces something specified
: a person who plays a specified musical instrument

English Language Learners Definition of -ist (Entry 2 of 2)

: of, relating to, or characterized by a specified quality
\ əst\

Kids Definition of -ist

1 : performer of a specified action cyclist : maker : producer novelist
2 : a person who plays a specified musical instrument or operates a specified mechanical device pianist motorist
3 : a person who specializes in a specified art or science or skill geologist
4 : a person who follows or favors a specified teaching, practice, system, or code of behavior optimist