1 -ine | Definition of -ine

Definition of -ine

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1 [ French -in, -ine, from Latin -īnus — more at -en ] : of or relating to estuarine
2 [ French -in, -ine, from Latin -ĭnus, from Greek -inos — more at -en ] : made of : like opaline

Definition of -ine (Entry 2 of 2)

1 : chemical substance: such as
a : halogen element chlorine
b : basic or base-containing carbon compound that contains nitrogen quinine cystine
c : mixture of compounds (as of hydrocarbons) gasoline
d : hydride arsine
3 : commercial product or material glassine

History and Etymology for -ine

Noun suffix

French -ine, from Latin -Ä«na, from feminine of -Ä«nus, adjective suffix

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\ ˌīn, ən, ˌēn\

Kids Definition of -ine

: of, relating to, or like alkaline