1 zygospore | Definition of zygospore


zy·​go·​spore | \ ˈzī-gə-ˌspȯr How to pronounce zygospore (audio) \

Definition of zygospore

: a thick-walled spore of some algae and fungi that is formed by union of two similar sexual cells, usually serves as a resting spore, and produces the sporophytic phase

First Known Use of zygospore

1864, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for zygospore

International Scientific Vocabulary

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zy·​go·​spore | \ ˈzī-gə-ˌspō(ə)r, -ˌspȯ(ə)r How to pronounce zygospore (audio) \

Medical Definition of zygospore

: a plant spore that is formed by union of two similar sexual cells, usually serves as a resting spore, and produces the sporophytic phase of the plant

More from Merriam-Webster on zygospore

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about zygospore