1 yo-yo | Definition of yo-yo


\ ˈyō-(ˌ)yō How to pronounce yo-yo (audio) \
plural yo-yos

Definition of yo-yo

 (Entry 1 of 3)

1 : a thick grooved double disk with a string attached to its center axle that is made to fall and rise to the hand by unwinding and rewinding on the string
2 : a condition or situation marked by regular fluctuations from one extreme to another
3 : a stupid or foolish person



Definition of yo-yo (Entry 2 of 3)

: shifting back and forth or up and down uncertainly or unexpectedly


yo-yoed; yo-yoing

Definition of yo-yo (Entry 3 of 3)

intransitive verb

: to move from one position to another repeatedly : fluctuate the stock price yo-yoed

Synonyms for yo-yo

Synonyms: Noun

berk [British], booby, charlie (also charley) [British], cuckoo, ding-a-ling, ding-dong, dingbat, dipstick, doofus [slang], featherhead, fool, git [British], goose, half-wit, jackass, lunatic, mooncalf, nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nit [chiefly British], nitwit, nut, nutcase, simp, simpleton, turkey

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First Known Use of yo-yo


1915, in the meaning defined at sense 1


1932, in the meaning defined above


1967, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for yo-yo


probably from Ilocano yóyo, or a cognate word in a language of the Philippines

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Financial Definition of yo-yo

What It Is

Yo-yo is slang describing volatility in the market.

How It Works

In a mathematical sense, standard deviation is a measure of how much an investment's returns can vary from its average return. That is, it is a measure of how much the market for a stock is yo-yo-ing. The less a market or investment yo-yos, the less risk there is that its value will deviate from the expected value.

Why It Matters

Yo-yos famously go up and down, though their owners usually think that is fun. In the trading world, yo-yo markets are rarely fun -- they create a lot of stress for investors, who worry their investments are going to lose value suddenly.

However, yo-yo markets also present tremendous opportunity, because what goes down often comes back up, just like a yo-yo (unless, of course, the string comes off or gets tangled, which euphemistically can happen in the trading world, too).

Source: Investing Answers



English Language Learners Definition of yo-yo

 (Entry 1 of 2)

: a round toy that has two flat sides with a string attached to its center, that is held in your hand, and that is made to go up and down by unwinding and rewinding the string with a movement of your wrist



English Language Learners Definition of yo-yo (Entry 2 of 2)

: to move repeatedly and quickly up and down or from a higher level to a lower level


\ ˈyō-yō\
plural yo-yos also yo-yoes

Kids Definition of yo-yo

: a small round toy that has two flattened disks with a string attached to the center and that is made to fall and rise to the hand by unwinding and rewinding on the string

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More from Merriam-Webster on yo-yo

Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for yo-yo

Spanish Central: Translation of yo-yo

Nglish: Translation of yo-yo for Spanish Speakers