1 yorker | Definition of yorker


noun (1)
york·​er | \ ˈyȯrkÉ™r, -ȯ(É™)kÉ™(r\
plural -s

Definition of yorker

 (Entry 1 of 3)

: a bowled ball in cricket that pitches in or close to the blockhole


noun (2)
\ "\
plural -s

Definition of yorker (Entry 2 of 3)

: a light but high-quality well-finished market hog suitable for fresh pork production


noun (3)
York·​er | \ ˈyȯrkÉ™r, -ȯ(É™)kÉ™(r\
plural -s

Definition of Yorker (Entry 3 of 3)

1 : a native or resident of New York especially in colonial times
2 [ York, city and county in southern Pennsylvania + English -er ] : a native or resident of York, Pennsylvania or of York county, Pennsylvania

History and Etymology for yorker

Noun (1)

York, county in northern England + English -er

Noun (2)

New York, city in southeast New York (state) + English -er; from the popularity of such hogs with butchers in New York City

Noun (3)

New York, state in the eastern U.S. + English -er

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