1 resuscitation | Definition of resuscitation


re·​sus·​ci·​ta·​tion | \ ri-ˌsə-sə-ˈtā-shən How to pronounce resuscitation (audio) , ˌrē-\
plural resuscitations

Definition of resuscitation

: an act or process of resuscitating someone or something:
a medical : the act or an instance of reviving someone from apparent death or from unconsciousness The EMS response times were generally fast in both groups, but successful prehospital resuscitations were not associated with significantly shorter response times than those reported in cases of refractory cardiac arrest.— Arthur L. Kellermann et al. resuscitation techniques differ from other procedures in medicine in that they are usually performed only in critical situations, and thus the opportunities to learn and practice them are inherently limited.— Jeffrey P. Burns et al. — see also cardiopulmonary resuscitation
b : the act or an instance of restoring someone or something to an active or flourishing state Punk may not be dead, but it certainly could use some resuscitation. And that's where Anthrax comes in.— Craig Tomashoff His resuscitation is evident in the 1982 reissue of his autobiography, "An Artist in America."— Grace Glueck

First Known Use of resuscitation

15th century, in the meaning defined above

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re·​sus·​ci·​ta·​tion | \ ri-ˌsə-sə-ˈtā-shən\

Kids Definition of resuscitation

: the act of bringing back from apparent death or unconsciousness


re·​sus·​ci·​ta·​tion | \ ri-ˌsəs-ə-ˈtā-shən, rē- How to pronounce resuscitation (audio) \

Medical Definition of resuscitation

: an act of resuscitating or the state of being resuscitated resuscitation by means of artificial respiration or cardiac massage — see cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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