1 pyrene | Definition of pyrene


noun (1)
py·​rene | \ ˈpÄ«ËŒrÄ“n\
plural -s

Definition of pyrene

 (Entry 1 of 2)

: the stone of a drupelet (as in the fruit of the huckleberry) broadly : a small hard nutlet


noun (2)
py·​rene | \ ˈpÄ«ËŒrÄ“n\
plural -s

Definition of pyrene (Entry 2 of 2)

: a pale yellow crystalline hydrocarbon C16H10 that fluoresces blue in solution, that is obtained from coal-tar distillation, from petroleum cracking, and from stupp and is also made synthetically, and that consists structurally of a cluster of four compactly fused benzene rings

History and Etymology for pyrene

Noun (1)

New Latin pyrena

Noun (2)

pyr- + -ene

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