1 nuncupative | Definition of nuncupative


nun·​cu·​pa·​tive | \ ˈnən-kyu̇-ˌpā-tiv How to pronounce nuncupative (audio) , ˈnəŋ-; ˌnən-ˈkyü-pə- How to pronounce nuncupative (audio) \

Definition of nuncupative

: not written : oral a nuncupative will

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Synonyms & Antonyms for nuncupative


oral, spoken, unwritten, verbal, viva voce, word-of-mouth


paper, written

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Did You Know?

Nuncupative (from Latin nuncupare, meaning "to name") has been part of the English language since at least the mid-16th century, most typically appearing in legal contexts as a modifier of the noun "will." The nuncupative will originated in Roman law, where it consisted of an oral declaration made in the presence of seven witnesses and later presented before a magistrate. Currently, nuncupative wills are allowed in some U.S. states in extreme circumstances, such as imminent peril of death from a terminal illness or from military or maritime service. Such wills are dictated orally but are usually required to be set down in writing within a statutorily specified time period, such as 30 days. Witnesses are required, though the number seven is no longer specified.

Examples of nuncupative in a Sentence

the soldier left a nuncupative will that was witnessed by two of his comrades

First Known Use of nuncupative

15th century, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for nuncupative

Medieval Latin nuncupativus, from Late Latin, so-called, from Latin nuncupatus, past participle of nuncupare to name, probably ultimately from nomen name + capere to take — more at name, heave

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More Definitions for nuncupative


nun·​cu·​pa·​tive | \ ˈnəŋ-kyə-ˌpā-tiv, nən-ˈkyü-pə-tiv How to pronounce nuncupative (audio) \

Legal Definition of nuncupative

: stated by spoken word

History and Etymology for nuncupative

Medieval Latin nuncupativus, from Late Latin, so-called, from Latin nuncupatus, past participle of nuncupare to name, probably ultimately from nomen name + capere to take

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