1 nunch | Definition of nunch


variants: or less commonly nunchion \ ˈnu̇nshÉ™n , ˈnÉ™n-​ , -​nch-​ \ or nunch \ ˈnu̇nsh , ˈnÉ™n-​ , -​nch \
plural nuncheons also nunchions or nunches

Definition of nuncheon

dialectal, chiefly England
: a light midmorning or midafternoon snack consisting typically of bread, cheese, and beer

History and Etymology for nuncheon

nuncheon, nunchion from Middle English nonechench, noneschench, literally, noon drink, from none noon + schench drink, cup, from Old English scenc; akin to Old English scencan to pour out drink, give to drink, Old High German skenken to pour out, Old Norse skakkr crooked, askew; nunch short for nuncheon, nunchion

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