1 music therapist | Definition of music therapist

music therapy


Definition of music therapy

: therapy based on engagement in musical activities : the therapeutic use of music (as to reduce anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, promote physical rehabilitation, or enhance interpersonal communication) that typically involves listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, or composing music In 1992, the National Institutes of Health created an Office of Alternative Medicine … to evaluate therapies ranging from homeopathy and music therapy to acupuncture.— Corinna Wu

Other Words from music therapy

music therapist noun, plural music therapists
Music therapists have found that post-operative patients who listen to soothing music require less pain medication. — Dave Tianen

First Known Use of music therapy

1919, in the meaning defined above

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music therapy

mu·​sic therapy | \ ˈmyü-zik- How to pronounce music therapy (audio) \

Medical Definition of music therapy

: therapy based on engagement in musical activities : the therapeutic use of music (as to reduce anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, promote physical rehabilitation, or enhance interpersonal communication) that typically involves listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, or composing music

Other Words from music therapy

music therapist noun