1 musar | Definition of musar


noun (1)
mu·​sar | \ ˈmyüˌzär\
plural -s

Definition of musar

 (Entry 1 of 2)

: a 12th century ballad singer of Provence


noun (2)
mu·​sar | \ ˈmüˌsär\
plural -s

Definition of musar (Entry 2 of 2)

: a 19th century Jewish religioethical movement stressing strict moral discipline and piety

History and Etymology for musar

Noun (1)

French musard, from Old Provençal musart, muzart, literally, idler, from musar, muzar to gape, idle, loiter (from mus mouth of an animal, from Medieval Latin musus) + -art -ard

Noun (2)

New Hebrew mūsār, from Hebrew, discipline, from yōser to discipline, punish

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