1 moonstruck | Definition of moonstruck


moon·​struck | \ ˈmün-ËŒstrÉ™k How to pronounce moonstruck (audio) \

Definition of moonstruck

: affected by or as if by the moon: such as
a : mentally unbalanced
b : romantically sentimental
c : lost in fantasy or reverie

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Synonyms & Antonyms for moonstruck


balmy, barmy [chiefly British], bats, batty, bedlam, bonkers, brainsick, bughouse [slang], certifiable, crackbrained, cracked, crackers, crackpot, cranky [dialect], crazed, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, daft, demented, deranged, fruity [slang], gaga, haywire, insane, kooky (also kookie), loco [slang], loony (also looney), loony tunes (or looney tunes), lunatic, mad, maniacal (also maniac), mental, meshuga (or meshugge), non compos mentis, nuts, nutty, psycho, psychotic, scatty [chiefly British], screwy, unbalanced, unhinged, unsound, wacko (also whacko), wacky (also whacky), wud [chiefly Scottish]


balanced, compos mentis, sane, sound, uncrazy

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Examples of moonstruck in a Sentence

a celebrity mobbed by moonstruck teenage girls police asked psychiatrists to put together a portrait of the moonstruck marksman who was responsible for the shootings

First Known Use of moonstruck

1674, in the meaning defined above

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More Definitions for moonstruck



English Language Learners Definition of moonstruck

: silly, foolish, or crazy especially because you are in love

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