1 minatory | Definition of minatory


mi·​na·​to·​ry | \ ˈmi-nÉ™-ËŒtȯr-Ä“ How to pronounce minatory (audio) , ˈmÄ«- How to pronounce minatory (audio) \

Definition of minatory

: having a menacing quality

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Did You Know?

Knowing that minatory means "threatening," can you take a guess at a related word? If you're familiar with mythology, perhaps you guessed Minotaur, the name of the bull-headed, people-eating monster of Crete. Minotaur is a good guess, but as terrifying as the monster sounds, its name isn't related to minatory. The relative we're searching for is actually menace. Minatory and menace both come from derivatives of the Latin verb minari, which means "to threaten." Minatory was borrowed directly from Late Latin minatorius. Menace came to English via Anglo-French manace, menace, which came from Latin minac-, minax, meaning "threatening."

Examples of minatory in a Sentence

the novel's protagonist is haunted by a minatory black specter

First Known Use of minatory

1532, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for minatory

Late Latin minatorius, from Latin minari to threaten — more at mount

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