1 magical | Definition of magical


mag·​i·​cal | \ ˈma-ji-kÉ™l How to pronounce magical (audio) \

Definition of magical

1 : of, relating to, characterized by, or producing magic : magic magical powers a story set in a magical world a magical charm/spell/incantation an amulet believed to have magical properties
2 : produced by or as if by magic a magical transformation words that seemed to have a magical effect
3 : extremely or extraordinarily pleasant, enjoyable, or exciting a magical evening On that first magical morning in London, my heart and spirit turned everything into delight.— Russell Baker The 2008 presidential race was almost a dead heat and the entire year leading up to the election had been a magical time to work on a live satirical sketch comedy show.— Amy Poehler

Other Words from magical

magically \ ˈma-​ji-​k(É™-​)lÄ“ How to pronounce magically (audio) \ adverb
magically transformed a change that happened almost magically Some officers seem to rise magically through the ranks, immune to criticism that would trip up others. — Mark Thompson

First Known Use of magical

1533, in the meaning defined at sense 1

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English Language Learners Definition of magical

: very pleasant or exciting


mag·​i·​cal | \ ˈma-ji-kÉ™l\

Kids Definition of magical

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