1 infatuation | Definition of infatuation


in路​fat路​u路​a路​tion | \ in-藢fa-ch蓹-藞w膩-sh蓹n How to pronounce infatuation (audio) , -ch眉-藞膩-\
plural infatuations

Definition of infatuation

1 : a feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something : strong and unreasoning attachment She speaks openly about the real-life subject of one of her songs, a conservatory teacher who is both a neighbor in her apartment building and the unwilling object of her obsessive infatuation.— Sasha Frere-Jones Craig Claiborne wrote about it in 1963, when he was deep in his infatuation with dill and meatballs and all things Nordic.— Amanda Hesser
2 : the object of an unreasoning or foolish attachment And then, I began trying to forge their autographs. I'm not sure why I did it at first, but it became an infatuation.— Zach Selwyn

First Known Use of infatuation

1648, in the meaning defined at sense 1

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More Definitions for infatuation



English Language Learners Definition of infatuation

: a feeling of foolish or very strong love or admiration for someone or something


in路​fat路​u路​a路​tion | \ in-藢fa-ch蓹-藞w膩-sh蓹n\

Kids Definition of infatuation

: the state of having a foolish or very strong love or admiration

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