1 indorse | Definition of indorse

indorse, indorsement

in·​dorse | \ in-ˈdȯrs How to pronounce indorse (audio) \

less common spellings of , endorsement

transitive verb

1a : to write on the back of especially : to sign one's name as payee on the back of (a check) in order to obtain the cash or credit represented on the face
b : to inscribe (one's signature) on a check, bill, or note
c : to inscribe (something, such as an official document) with a title or memorandum
d : to make over to another (the value represented in a check, bill, or note) by inscribing one's name on the document
e : to acknowledge receipt of (a sum specified) by one's signature on a document
2a : to approve openly endorse an idea especially : to express support or approval of publicly and definitely endorse a mayoral candidate
b : to recommend (something, such as a product or service) usually for financial compensation shoes endorsed by a pro basketball player

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Legal Definition of indorse

variant of endorse , endorsee , endorsement , endorser

  • used primarily in the context of the Uniform Commercial Code