1 hyporchema | Definition of hyporchema


hyp·​or·​che·​ma | \ ËŒhÄ«pÉ™(r)ˈkÄ“mÉ™\
variants: or hyporcheme \ ˈhīpə(r)ˌkēm \
plural hyporchemata\ -​mÉ™tÉ™ \ or hyporchemes

Definition of hyporchema

: an ancient Greek choral song and dance usually in honor of Apollo or Dionysus

Other Words from hyporchema

hyporchematic \ ¦⸗⸗kē¦matik \ adjective

History and Etymology for hyporchema

Greek hyporchēma, from hyporcheisthai to dance to music, from hypo- + orcheisthai to dance

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