1 hypertext | Definition of hypertext


hy·​per·​text | \ ˈhÄ«-pÉ™r-ËŒtekst How to pronounce hypertext (audio) \

Definition of hypertext

: a database format in which information related to that on a display can be accessed directly from the display also : material (such as text) in this format

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hypertextual \ ËŒhÄ«-​pÉ™r-​ˈteks-​chÉ™-​wÉ™l How to pronounce hypertextual (audio) , -​chÉ™l \ adjective

Did You Know?

Since hyper- generally means "above, beyond", hypertext is something that's gone beyond the limitations of ordinary text. Thus, unlike the text in a book, hypertext permits you, by clicking with a mouse, to immediately access text in one of millions of different electronic sources. Hypertext is now so familiar that most computer users may not even know the word, which was coined by Ted Nelson back in the early 1960s. It took a few more years for hypertext to actually be created, by Douglas Engelbart, and then quite a few more years before the introduction of the World Wide Web in 1991.

First Known Use of hypertext

1965, in the meaning defined above

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English Language Learners Definition of hypertext

computers : an arrangement of the information in a computer database that allows a user to get information and to go from one document to another by clicking on highlighted words or pictures


hy·​per·​text | \ ˈhÄ«-pÉ™r-ËŒtekst How to pronounce hypertext (audio) \

Kids Definition of hypertext

: an arrangement of the information in a computer database that allows the user to get other information by clicking on text displayed on the screen

More from Merriam-Webster on hypertext

Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with hypertext

Nglish: Translation of hypertext for Spanish Speakers

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about hypertext