1 hypermutability | Definition of hypermutability


hy·​per·​mu·​ta·​ble | \ ËŒhÄ«-pÉ™r-ˈmyü-tÉ™-bÉ™l How to pronounce hypermutable (audio) \

Definition of hypermutable

: exhibiting or capable of excessive mutation or change Only the hypermutable cells that subsequently achieve a beneficial mutation would survive; the others would cease to be viable.— John Rennie Another severe obstacle for those with compromised immune systems: the hypermutable bacteria that can be found in cystic fibrosis patients. These chameleon-like germs produce numerous mutations when they replicate, creating more potential possibilities for drug resistance.— Jim Doyle

Other Words from hypermutable

hypermutability \ ËŒhÄ«-​pÉ™r-​ËŒmyü-​tÉ™-​ˈbi-​lÉ™-​tÄ“ How to pronounce hypermutability (audio) \ noun
"What we've found is a subtle alteration in the genetic code that causes DNA instability and leads to hypermutability, or a cascade of mutations in surrounding genes …" — Kenneth Kinzler

First Known Use of hypermutable

1959, in the meaning defined above

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hy·​per·​mu·​ta·​ble | \ -ˈmyüt-É™-bÉ™l How to pronounce hypermutable (audio) \

Medical Definition of hypermutable

: exhibiting or capable of excessive mutation or change Another severe obstacle for those with compromised immune systems: the hypermutable bacteria that can be found in cystic fibrosis patients. These chameleon-like germs produce numerous mutations when they replicate, creating more potential possibilities for drug resistance.— Jim Doyle, The Birmingham (Alabama) News, 9 Oct. 2013

Other Words from hypermutable

hypermutability \ -​ËŒmyüt-​É™-​ˈbil-​É™t-​Ä“ How to pronounce hypermutability (audio) \ noun
"What we've found," he [Kenneth Kinzler] explained, "is a subtle alteration in the genetic code that causes DNA instability and leads to hypermutability, or a cascade of mutations in surrounding genes." Newsday (Melville, New York), 26 Aug. 1997