1 dunderhead | Definition of dunderhead


dun·​der·​head | \ ˈdÉ™n-dÉ™r-ËŒhed How to pronounce dunderhead (audio) \

Definition of dunderhead

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dunderheaded \ ËŒdÉ™n-​dÉ™r-​ˈhe-​dÉ™d How to pronounce dunderheaded (audio) \ adjective

Synonyms & Antonyms for dunderhead


airhead, birdbrain, blockhead, bonehead, bubblehead, chowderhead, chucklehead, clodpoll (or clodpole), clot [British], cluck, clunk, cretin, cuddy (or cuddie) [British dialect], deadhead, dim bulb [slang], dimwit, dip, dodo, dolt, donkey, doofus [slang], dope, dork [slang], dullard, dum-dum, dumbbell, dumbhead, dummkopf, dummy, dunce, fathead, gander, golem, goof, goon, half-wit, hammerhead, hardhead, idiot, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, know-nothing, knucklehead, lamebrain, loggerhead [chiefly dialect], loon, lump, lunkhead, meathead, mome [archaic], moron, mug [chiefly British], mutt, natural, nimrod [slang], nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nit [chiefly British], nitwit, noddy, noodle, numskull (or numbskull), oaf, pinhead, prat [British], ratbag [chiefly Australian], saphead, schlub (also shlub) [slang], schnook [slang], simpleton, stock, stupe, stupid, thickhead, turkey, woodenhead, yahoo, yo-yo


brain, genius

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Examples of dunderhead in a Sentence

wondered how long it would take the dunderheads at the head office to screw things up

First Known Use of dunderhead

1630, in the meaning defined above

History and Etymology for dunderhead

perhaps from Dutch donder thunder + English head; akin to Old High German thonar thunder — more at thunder entry 1

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