1 Ichthyosauria | Definition of Ichthyosauria


plural noun

Definition of Ichthyosauria

: an order of Mesozoic marine reptiles most abundant in the Lias having an ichthyoid body, elongated snout, short neck, dorsal and caudal fins, limbs modified into paddles by the flattening of the bones, multiplication of the phalanges and addition of from one to four digits, eyes very large and protected by a ring of bony sclerotic plates, and numerous conical teeth set in grooves and adapted for catching fish

Other Words from Ichthyosauria

ichthyosaurian \ ¦⸗⸗⸗¦⸗rēən \ adjective or noun
ichthyosauroid \ -​ËŒrȯid \ adjective

History and Etymology for Ichthyosauria

New Latin, from ichthy- + -sauria

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